Wednesday, March 16, 2016

26: Hope

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.



The flame of hope wants to be shared
But must be guarded well
From those who have not eyes to see
Who'd try its strength to tell.

They blow to try your strength and will
To keep it burning on
They blow for fear what it will show
For long their flame's been gone.

So guard you precious hope and faith
From those who wish to kill
For doubt or fear - it matters not -
Just keep it burning still.

Hope can melt the ice of fear
And fuel the tired heart
And lift another's burden clear
And prompt a better start.

So guard your precious hope and faith
To share with those who see
That hope gives strength when wisely shared
And sets the bound heart free.

Out of faith, hope, and charity, hope is the least represented it seems. I see faith as the belief in something we may not understand that motivates us to act accordingly. Hope is the expectation that our faith is not in vain. I believe it is a symbiotic relationship - they feed each other. Without them, we may act, but it would not be the same for we would feel the actions were empty of meaning. This in turn would ultimately lead to abandoning the actions or resenting whatever actions we continued.

It is the original source of charity, the pure love Christ offered us that allows us the chance to have faith and hope. By overcoming the effects of death and sin, life and our actions have meaning again. Instead of emptiness there is a future possible of continued life for everyone. There is hope.

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