Wednesday, May 18, 2016

33: Silent Hope

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick:
but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

Silent Hope

I learned a truth at younger age
Of protection in not being;
That releasing claim on rights or wants
Numbs life's constant sting.

For if I have no claim on love
Withheld leaves no surprise
So why does silent hope spring forth
To see love in one's eyes?

'Tis good the Lord still holds my heart
In His protective care
For else it'd die so many deaths
As each hope bails on fare.

I truly survived by convincing myself I was nothing more than a slave. A slave has no rights therefore nothing can be done against a slave that is wrong. Therefore there should be no cause for feeling hurt at what happens. It did not make all of the hurt go away, but it cut it down by a good half. And if you don't let yourself want anything, that want can't be held against you as punishment or manipulation.

It is the same idea expressed by the lead male in the dance movie Step Up. The girl asked him what he hoped for his future and his response was that it was safer not to hope because then it wouldn't hurt when it didn't happen.

Loss and rejection is hard and it becomes devastating when repeated over and over. Each time we hope and our hope proves false can make it that much harder to try again. But ultimately, we can't let hope go for it will prove true if we hold on long enough. The way I sometimes had to keep it alive was to tuck it away like a seed waiting for spring to come again and fresh ground to try once more.

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