(A)dult (C)hildren (O)f (N)arcissists
This will be a series of questions for those who have experienced childhood under a narc's thumb as provided by various friends. The answers are those given by inclined members of an ACON support group, signed with pen names. Each question will become a link to the page with the responses once that question has been posed and answered.
J series
#1 How has narcissism affected you?
#2 What warnings or encouragement do you have/would you give to other ACONs in similar situations?
#3 What would you share with your past self?
#4 What did the narc parents intentionally do to abuse (knowing how it would affect you)?
#5 What made you see past their manipulations?
#6 How has Christ helped you heal?
#7 What have you had to (re)learn?
#8 What do you still struggle with?
W series
#1 How did you come to recognize the narcissists in your life?
#2 What do you look for to identify narcs?
#3 How do you cope with the narcissism of people around you?
#4 When you recognize a narc at church or in authority, how do you navigate that situation?
#5 What are unexpected triggers for narcs?
#6 What are your triggers?
#7 How do you work through triggers?
#8 What definitions of narcissism have you found most useful, have they changed, which one is best?
R series
#1 Red flags of narcissistic relationships?
#2 How do narcs affect you (in general and individually)?
#3 How do narc relationships affect the narcs?
#4 What can you do to change get out of, or fix a narc relationship?
#5 What resources, if any, does the church already have?
#6 What needs to be addressed in regards to helping children who go through what you went through or similar?
#7 How can the public help as a whole?
#8 What is the ratio of men verses women who are narcissists?
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