Therefore, lift up
your heads and rejoice, and put your trust in God, in that God who was the God
of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and also that God who brought the children of
Israel out of the land of Egypt, and caused that they should walk through the
Red Sea on dry ground, and fed them with manna that they might not perish in
the wilderness; and many more things did he do for them.
And now, O my son
Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that
thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put
their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and
their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.
Edges of Eternity
6/06 - 7/17/06
I'm standing
On the edge of
Hoping my eyes will
come to see
The hopes my heart
Struggles so long to
hold onto.
This edge is one of
Both past and yet to
And each requires
faith in things unknown.
I feel the wind
gently pulling me on
As I step from the
grasp of what was
And slowly
anticipation builds
With the sense of
the wonders ahead.
And so I step again
And trust the clouds
to be my ground.
A person does not
need to go skydiving or bungee jumping or any of the crazy things people do to
get an adrenaline rush. Just ask any person on the verge of making a huge
change in life on faith. What's more, the more you exercise faith, the more
Heavenly Father trusts you to follow His lead and the more He will provide you
opportunities to strengthen and grow even more faith. I'd even challenge an
adrenaline junky to try to live on faith for a while to see if they're brave
enough to handle it. They may just discover life will supply plenty of
opportunity on its own.
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